employee profit sharing plan

employee profit sharing plan
участь працівників у прибутках підприємства

The English-Ukrainian Dictionary. Economics, Finance, Banking, Investmentss, Bank Loans. . 2002.

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Смотреть что такое "employee profit sharing plan" в других словарях:

  • employee profit-sharing — emˌployee ˈprofit sharing noun [uncountable] HUMAN RESOURCES 1. another name for employee ownership: • The employee profit sharing plan holds about a 45% stake in the company. 2. a way of rewarding workers who have helped a company achieve high… …   Financial and business terms

  • Profit-Sharing Plan — A plan that gives employees a share in the profits of the company. Each employee receives a percentage of those profits based on the company s earnings. Also known as deferred profit sharing plan or DPSP . This is a great way to give employees a… …   Investment dictionary

  • Employee Stock Ownership Plan — (ESOP) A type of qualified profit sharing plan that invests in securities of the employer. Such plans acquire shares of the employer corporation for the benefit of employees usually through contributions of the employer to the plan. In a… …   Black's law dictionary

  • Employee Stock Ownership Plan — (ESOP) A type of qualified profit sharing plan that invests in securities of the employer. Such plans acquire shares of the employer corporation for the benefit of employees usually through contributions of the employer to the plan. In a… …   Black's law dictionary

  • Profit sharing — Profit sharing, when used as a special term, refers to various incentive plans introduced by businesses that provide direct or indirect payments to employees that depend on company s profitability in addition to employees regular salary and… …   Wikipedia

  • profit-sharing — UK US (also profit sharing) noun [U] ► HR a system by which employees receive a part of the profits of a business: »The company s costs increased due to higher employee profit sharing. »a profit sharing agreement/plan/scheme …   Financial and business terms

  • profit sharing — profitsharing, adj. the sharing of profits, as between employer and employee, esp. in such a way that the employee receives, in addition to wages, a share in the profits of the business. [1880 85] * * * System by which employees are paid a share… …   Universalium

  • Profit-sharing agreement (USA) — A profit sharing agreement in the United States is the agreement that establishes a pension plan maintained by the employer to share its profits with its employees.HistoryA profit sharing agreement used to be supplemental to a type of pension… …   Wikipedia

  • profit-sharing scheme — A scheme by which employees share in the profits of a business, usually through some type of share ownership. See employee share ownership plan; employee share ownership trust; savings related share option scheme; share option See also gain… …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • profit-sharing scheme — A scheme by which employees share in the profits of a business, usually through some type of share ownership. See: employee share ownership plan, employee share ownership trust, savings related share option scheme, share option …   Accounting dictionary

  • profit — Most commonly, the gross proceeds of a business transaction less the costs of the transaction; i.e. net proceeds. Excess of revenues over expenses for a transaction; sometimes used synonymously with net income for the period. Gain realized from… …   Black's law dictionary

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